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Specifications Comparison: 2006 Lexus RX 330 vs 2005 Lexus RX 330

Researched By The AutoPadre Staff

Curb Weight

2006 Lexus RX 330

Curb Weight

Trim Engine Drive train Curb Weight Horsepower Weight / Horsepower Ratio
3.3L V6FWD3,860 lbs.230 hp16.8 lbs/hp
3.3L V64WD4,065 lbs.230 hp17.7 lbs/hp

2005 Lexus RX 330

Curb Weight

Trim Engine Drive train Curb Weight Horsepower Weight / Horsepower Ratio
3.3L V6FWD3,860 lbs.230 hp16.8 lbs/hp
3.3L V64WD4,065 lbs.230 hp17.7 lbs/hp

Go to the Lexus RX 330 Vehicle Weight Data.

Compare the Lexus RX 330 Vehicle Weight Side-By-Side by Year

2006 vs. 2005