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Specifications Comparison: 2006 Volkswagen Phaeton vs 2004 Volkswagen Phaeton

Researched By The AutoPadre Staff

Engine Horsepower & Torque

2006 Volkswagen Phaeton

Engine Horsepower & Torque

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Torque (ft-lbs)
4Motion4.2L V8AWD335317
4Motion6.0L W12AWD444406

2004 Volkswagen Phaeton

Engine Horsepower & Torque

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Torque (ft-lbs)
4Motion4.2L V8AWD335317
4Motion6.0L W12AWD420406

Engine Horsepower Per Unit Of Displacement

2006 Volkswagen Phaeton

Horsepower Per Liter & Inch3

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Per Liter HP Per Inch3
4Motion4.2L V8AWD791.31
4Motion6.0L W12AWD741.21

2004 Volkswagen Phaeton

Horsepower Per Liter & Inch3

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Per Liter HP Per Inch3
4Motion4.2L V8AWD791.31
4Motion6.0L W12AWD701.15

Go to the Volkswagen Phaeton Horsepower And Torque Data.

Compare the Volkswagen Phaeton Horsepower And Torque Side-By-Side by Year

2006 vs. 2005