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Specifications Comparison: 2002 Pontiac Montana vs 2005 Pontiac Montana

Researched By The AutoPadre Staff

Engine Horsepower & Torque

2002 Pontiac Montana

Engine Horsepower & Torque

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Torque (ft-lbs)
3.4L V6FWD185210
Extended3.4L V6FWD185210
Extended Luxury3.4L V6FWD185210

2005 Pontiac Montana

Engine Horsepower & Torque

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Torque (ft-lbs)
Extended3.4L V6FWD185210
Extended Luxury3.4L V6FWD185210
S Extended3.5L V6FWD200220
S Extended Base3.5L V6FWD200220

Engine Horsepower Per Unit Of Displacement

2002 Pontiac Montana

Horsepower Per Liter & Inch3

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Per Liter HP Per Inch3
3.4L V6FWD540.89
Extended3.4L V6FWD540.89
Extended Luxury3.4L V6FWD540.89

2005 Pontiac Montana

Horsepower Per Liter & Inch3

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Per Liter HP Per Inch3
Extended3.4L V6FWD540.89
Extended Luxury3.4L V6FWD540.89
S Extended3.5L V6FWD570.93
S Extended Base3.5L V6FWD570.93

Go to the Pontiac Montana Horsepower And Torque Data.

Compare the Pontiac Montana Horsepower And Torque Side-By-Side by Year

2004 vs. 2002

2005 vs. 2006