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Specifications Comparison: 2002 Hyundai Sonata vs 2019 Hyundai Sonata

Researched By The AutoPadre Staff

Engine Horsepower & Torque

2002 Hyundai Sonata

Engine Horsepower & Torque

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Torque (ft-lbs)
2.4L I4FWD149156
2.7L V6FWD181177
GLS2.7L V6FWD181177
LX2.7L V6FWD181177

2019 Hyundai Sonata

Engine Horsepower & Torque

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Torque (ft-lbs)
Eco 1.6T1.6L I4FWD178195
Limited 2.0T2.0L I4FWD245260
Limited 2.4L2.4L I4FWD185178
SE 2.4L2.4L I4FWD185178
SEL 2.4L2.4L I4FWD185178
Sport 2.4L2.4L I4FWD185178
Limited 2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD193140
SE 2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD193140
2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD202140
Limited 2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD202140
Eco1.6L I4FWD178195
Limited2.4L I4FWD185178
Limited2.0L I4FWD245260
SE2.4L I4FWD185178
SEL2.4L I4FWD185178
Sport2.4L I4FWD185178
LimitedElectric 2.0L I4FWD193140
SEElectric 2.0L I4FWD193140
Electric 2.0L I4FWD202140
LimitedElectric 2.0L I4FWD202140

Engine Horsepower Per Unit Of Displacement

2002 Hyundai Sonata

Horsepower Per Liter & Inch3

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Per Liter HP Per Inch3
2.4L I4FWD621.02
2.7L V6FWD671.1
GLS2.7L V6FWD671.1
LX2.7L V6FWD671.1

2019 Hyundai Sonata

Horsepower Per Liter & Inch3

Trim Eng. Drive train HP Per Liter HP Per Inch3
Eco 1.6T1.6L I4FWD1111.82
Limited 2.0T2.0L I4FWD1222.01
Limited 2.4L2.4L I4FWD771.27
SE 2.4L2.4L I4FWD771.27
SEL 2.4L2.4L I4FWD771.27
Sport 2.4L2.4L I4FWD771.27
Limited 2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD961.58
SE 2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD961.58
2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD1011.66
Limited 2.0LElectric 2.0L I4FWD1011.66
Eco1.6L I4FWD1111.82
Limited2.4L I4FWD771.27
Limited2.0L I4FWD1222.01
SE2.4L I4FWD771.27
SEL2.4L I4FWD771.27
Sport2.4L I4FWD771.27
LimitedElectric 2.0L I4FWD961.58
SEElectric 2.0L I4FWD961.58
Electric 2.0L I4FWD1011.66
LimitedElectric 2.0L I4FWD1011.66

Go to the Hyundai Sonata Horsepower And Torque Data.

Compare the Hyundai Sonata Horsepower And Torque Side-By-Side by Year

2004 vs. 2002

2016 vs. 2011

2007 vs. 2012

2017 vs. 2009

2006 vs. 2015