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How Heavy Is a Smart Car And Compared to Average Vehicles?

In today's wide world of cars, there's a vehicle out there to suit everyone's needs, but if you've ever been driving alongside a smart car, then you might wonder how anyone manages to fit in those tiny things.

Can such tiny cars actually be safe, and do smart cars weigh as little as they look?

The average modern smart car is about 1800 pounds (815 kg), although older generations can weigh as little as 1500 pounds (680 kg), and weight varies based on model. The smallest car in the world, the EQ for two, weighs over 2000 pounds.

As it turns out, smart cars are not as light as you might think.

Sure, they have anywhere from 500 - 1000lbs less weight compared to modern road vehicles, but all those heavy electrical and mechanical components add up.

The rest of this article will discuss various types of smart cars, their weights, and whether these tiny transporters are safe to drive.

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    2013 smart City Coupe
    2013 smart City Coupe

    How Much Does a Small Smart Car Weigh?

    Small smart cars are significantly lighter than their larger counterparts.

    The average car can weigh anywhere from 1.5-2 tons, which a smart car is usually within the range of 1500-1800lbs (680-815 kilograms).

    How Much Does a Smart Car Weigh in Kilograms?

    Older models of smart cars tend to be lighter than their modern counterparts. The 2019 2dr smart weighs in around 1080 kilograms, while the 2000 Opel Speedster topped out at 930 kilograms.

    How Much Does a Smart Car Weigh in Pounds?

    Smarts cars weigh around 2000 pounds on average, although some heavier models can weigh up to 3000 pounds.

    Electric smart cars are usually heavier due to the size of the battery needed to power the vehicle.

    How Much Does an Old Smart Car Weigh?

    Older smart cars tend to be lighter, with some weighing under 1800 pounds (815 kilograms).

    Again, it depends on the make and model of the car; some companies producing smart cars in the 2000s had models with weights around the 2000-pound mark.

    How Many People Would It Take to Lift a Smart Car?

    Given the average adult male weight of 176 pounds (80 kilograms), the weight of a smart car at 2000 pounds (907 kg), and the average deadlift strength of an adult male at 1.5x bodyweight, it would take around 8-10 people to lift a smart car.

    For powerlifters who can manage 2.75x their body weight, 3-4 people should be able to quite readily lift a smart car, assuming we're talking about lifting the car bodily off the ground.

    One or two strong people would be able to tip the car up from any side.

    Will a Smart Car Fit in the Bed of a Truck?

    It's quite possible to fit a smart car in the bed of a truck if you have a large truck.

    What is the Heaviest Car?

    The heaviest car in production is the Rolls-Royce Phantom, coming in at a whopping 6052 pounds (2745 kilograms), almost three times heavier than the average smart car.

    What is the Lightest Weight Smart Car?

    The lightest weight smart car currently in production is the Ariel Atom, which weighs a slight 1000 pounds, or 453 kilograms.

    Are Smart Cars Dangerous?

    Smart cars, contrary to popular belief, are not dangerous when compared to other road vehicles.

    The NHTSA gives most models of smart cars an A rating for highway safety due to the weight distribution and sturdy reinforced steel frame. If you're unconvinced, take the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's word for it.

    Smart cars not only have a lower insurance premium price than most other cars, but they also have a pretty solid track record when it comes to avoiding accidents. If anyone has a vested interest in making sure smart cars are safe, it's insurance companies.

    With that being said, older models of smart cars do have some horror stories of twisted metal and terrible wrecks behind them, which is probably where a lot of the cultural concern stems from.

    Additionally, larger cars currently (and will probably always) fare better in accidents simply due to the amount of mass that protects the driver.

    Larger crumple zones mean that less of the kinetic force from the crash reaches the driver, reducing the risk of whiplash or blunt force injuries.

    Even with a strong reinforced frame and well-placed airbags, it's likely that smart cars will never go beyond 'decent' as far as safety features are concerned.


    As a whole, smart cars tend to be significantly lighter than other modern cars and nowhere near as popular. Seeing a smart car on the road, at least in the U.S., is something of a rarity.

    Their jerky movements and small size make them off-putting to potential buyers. The average smart car weighs around 1800 pounds, although older models tend to be lighter around 1500 pounds.

    A lot of discussion has gone into whether smart cars are actually safe or not.

    Drivers are concerned about visibility on the road due to the small size and the lack of a sizable crumple zone to absorb potential impact and protect the driver.

    That being said, the smart cars that have been tested (which, admittedly, are only a few) have performed adequately.

    The fear about smart cars will probably never go away, and their lightweight design likely has something to do with that. With well over 1000 pounds less weight than modern cars, smart cars are, at the very least, a unique approach to modern transportation needs.


    What Does a 2008 Smart Car Weigh?

    The 2008 Smart Fortwo weighs in at just 1800 lbs (815 kilograms). With improved mileage compared to the average car, the 2008 Smart Fortwo can help you save on gas; however, despite the fuel-efficient design, the smart fortwo can feel a little 'skittish' on the highway.

    What Does a 2010 Smart Car Weigh?

    A 2010 smart car weighs around 1800 pounds, or 815 kilograms, making it comparable to other smart cars in terms of weight.

    It handles well despite the jerky transmission and finds its home best in a city environment.

    Like other smart cars, the 2010 Fortwo boasts good gas mileage, so if you have trouble parking and want better fuel economy, this vehicle might be for you.

    How Much Does a 2013 Smart Car Weigh?

    A 2013 smart car like the 2013 Fortwo weighs about 1800 pounds, or 815 kilograms, making it very light compared to other vehicles.

    This vehicle gets decent gas mileage, but keep in mind that it only takes premium fuel.

    Like other smart cars, the 2013 Fortwo is a little twitchy on the road and can make highway driving feel a little more frustrating.

    How Much Does a 2015 Smart Car Weigh?

    A 2015 smart car comes in at just over 1800 pounds, much like the other models of smart cars.

    Decent for urban environments where drivers don't need to hit the highway as often, the 2015 Fortwo weighs similarly to other models of smart car.


    https://roadsumo.com https://www.motorbiscuit.com https://www.moparmax.com https://www.quora.com https://tfltruck.com https://www.safewise.com